This webpage was last updated on 2025-01-06.
You can view my resume below. Additionally, you can download PDF versions of my resume or academic CV.
Research Experience
- (2021 –) Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Idaho
- Designed and implemented scientific software for solving complex differential equations.
- Developed performance-critical, CUDA-enabled software for simulations & experiments.
- Generated informative visualizations of large-scale HPC simulations with tools like VisIt.
- (2020 – 2021) Postdoctoral Researcher, West Virginia University
- Collaborated on multi-institutional software engineering research projects.
- Leveraged finite differences/volume methods to solve complex differential equations.
- Developed advanced microphysics codes for complex numerical simulations.
- (2019 – 2020) Visiting Scholar, West Virginia University
- Deep-dive into finite differences/volume methods to model plasma flows.
- Developed advanced nuclear equation of state support for astrophysics simulations.
- (2016 – 2020) Ph.D. in computational astrophysics, University of São Paulo, Brazil
- (2013 – 2016) M.Sc. in mathematical physics, University of São Paulo, Brazil
- (2009 – 2013) B.Ed. in physics, University of São Paulo, Brazil
- Scientific Computing: Plasma Physics, PDEs, FFT, Linear Algebra, Numerical Methods
- Programming: C, C++, Python (NumPy, SciPy, SymPy, Matplotlib), CUDA
- HPC Tools: MPI, OpenMP, PBS, Slurm, VisIt
- Development: Git, CI/CD, gdb, valgrind, Bash
Software Development
- GRHayL: Modular, High-Performance General Relativistic Hydrodynamics Library
- Provides core algorithms for magnetized plasma simulations in extreme environments.
- Reduced large-scale HPC simulation time by 30%, benefiting hundreds of users.
- Optimized for heterogeneous computing architectures through GPU-friendly kernels.
- Implemented & maintained comprehensive unit testing and CI/CD infrastructure.
- RETINAS: CUDA-Accelerated Real-Time Image Analysis Toolkit
- Designed a high-performance computing solution for real-time particle tracking and analysis, improving performance of the original code by >400%.
- NRPy+: Python-based C/C++/CUDA/Charm++ Code Generator for Numerical Relativity
- Enabled rapid code development with sophisticated optimizations like SIMD/SIMT.
- Developed microphysics modules for advanced nuclear equations of state and neutrinos.
- Einstein Toolkit: Community-Driven Computational Astrophysics Software Infrastructure
- Developed, integrated, & maintained multiple computational astrophysics modules.
- Demonstrated ability to collaborate in large, distributed software development.
Communication Skills
- Effective Communication: Skilled at translating complex ideas into clear, accessible concepts.
- Scientific Publication: 8 peer-reviewed papers, 2 preprints. Select papers (highlight in braces):
- Werneck et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 073708 (2024) [RETINAS announcement paper]
- Werneck et al., Phys. Rev. D 107, 044037 (2023) [Complex algorithms & simulations]
- Assumpção, Werneck et al., Phys. Rev. D 105, 104037 (2022) [Complex algorithms]
- Werneck et al., Class. Quantum Grav. 38 245005 (2021) [Complex algorithms]
- Oral Presentation: 14 public talks, including at major conferences like the APS April Meeting.
- Mentoring: undergraduate & graduate students; junior postdoctoral researchers.