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Journal arXiv
@article{Tootle:2025ikk, author = "Tootle, Samuel D. and Werneck, Leonardo R. and Assumpcao, Thiago and Jacques, Terrence Pierre and Etienne, Zachariah B.", title = "{Accelerating Numerical Relativity with Code Generation: CUDA-enabled Hyperbolic Relaxation}", eprint = "2501.14030", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "gr-qc", month = "1", year = "2025" }


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Journal arXiv
@article{Jacques:2024pxh, author = "Jacques, Terrence Pierre and Cupp, Samuel and Werneck, Leonardo R. and Tootle, Samuel D. and Hamilton, Maria C. Babiuc and Etienne, Zachariah B.", title = "{GRoovy: A General Relativistic Hydrodynamics Code for Dynamical Spacetimes with Curvilinear Coordinates, Tabulated Equations of State, and Neutrino Physics}", eprint = "2412.03659", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "gr-qc", month = "12", year = "2024", misc = "Submitted to Phys. Rev. D" }
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Journal arXiv
@article{Duez:2024ujs, author = "Duez, Matthew D. and Cadenhead, Courtney L. and Etienne, Zachariah B. and Kelly, Bernard and Werneck, Leonardo R.", title = "{Toward 2D Dynamo Models Calibrated by Global 3D Relativistic Accretion Disk Simulations}", eprint = "2409.02899", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "astro-ph.HE", month = "9", year = "2024", misc = "Submitted to Phys. Rev. D" }
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Journal arXiv
@article{Zenati:2024pgn, author = "Zenati, Yossef and Krolik, Julian H. and Werneck, Leonardo R. and Etienne, Zachariah B. and Noble, Scott C. and Murguia-Berthier, Ariadna and Schnittman, Jeremy D.", title = "{The Dynamics of Debris Disk Creation in Neutron Star Mergers}", eprint = "2404.03156", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "astro-ph.HE", doi = "10.3847/1538-4357/ad5676", journal = "Astrophys. J.", volume = "971", number = "1", pages = "50", year = "2024" }
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Journal arXiv
@article{10.1063/5.0206405, author = "Werneck, L. R. and Jessup, C. and Brandenberger, A. and Knowles, T. and Lewandowski, C. W. and Nolan, M. and Sible, K. and Etienne, Z. B. and D’Urso, B.", title = "{Cross-Correlation Image Analysis for Real-time Single Particle Tracking}", eprint = "2310.08770", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "physics.optics", doi = "10.1063/5.0206405", journal = {Review of Scientific Instruments}, volume = "95", number = "7", pages = "073708", year = "2024", }


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Journal arXiv
@article{Zenati:2023lwh, author = "Zenati, Yossef and Krolik, Julian H. and Werneck, Leonardo R. and Murguia-Berthier, Ariadna and Etienne, Zachariah B. and Noble, Scott C. and Piran, Tsvi", title = "{Bound Debris Expulsion from Neutron Star Merger Remnants}", eprint = "2306.09464", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "astro-ph.HE", doi = "10.3847/1538-4357/acf714", journal = "Astrophys. J.", volume = "958", number = "2", pages = "161", year = "2023" }
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Journal arXiv
@article{Werneck:2022exo, author = "Werneck, Leonardo R. and Etienne, Zachariah B. and Murguia-Berthier, Ariadna and Haas, Roland and Cipolletta, Federico and others", title = "{Addition of tabulated equation of state and neutrino leakage support to illinoisgrmhd}", eprint = "2208.14487", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "gr-qc", doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.107.044037", journal = "Phys. Rev. D", volume = "107", number = "4", pages = "044037", year = "2023" }


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Journal arXiv
@article{Armengol:2021mbt, author = "Armengol, Federico G. Lopez and Etienne, Zachariah B. and Noble, Scott C. and Kelly, Bernard J. and Werneck, Leonardo R. and others", title = "{Handing off the outcome of binary neutron star mergers for accurate and long-term postmerger simulations}", eprint = "2112.09817", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "astro-ph.HE", doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.106.083015", journal = "Phys. Rev. D", volume = "106", number = "8", pages = "083015", year = "2022" }
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Journal arXiv
@article{Assumpcao:2021fhq, author = "Assumpcao, Thiago and Werneck, Leonardo R. and Jacques, Terrence Pierre and Etienne, Zachariah B.", title = "{Fast hyperbolic relaxation elliptic solver for numerical relativity: Conformally flat, binary puncture initial data}", eprint = "2111.02424", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "gr-qc", doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.105.104037", journal = "Phys. Rev. D", volume = "105", number = "10", pages = "104037", year = "2022" }


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Journal arXiv
@article{Werneck:2021kch, author = "Werneck, Leonardo R. and Etienne, Zachariah B. and Abdalla, Elcio and Cuadros-Melgar, Bertha and Pellicer, C. E.", title = "{NRPyCritCol & SFcollapse1D: an open-source, user-friendly toolkit to study critical phenomena}", eprint = "2106.06553", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "gr-qc", doi = "10.1088/1361-6382/ac33bf", journal = "Class. Quant. Grav.", volume = "38", number = "24", pages = "245005", year = "2021" }
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Journal arXiv
@article{Murguia-Berthier:2021tnt, author = "Murguia-Berthier, Ariadna and Noble, Scott C. and Roberts, Luke F. and Remirez-Ruiz, Enrico and Werneck, Leonardo R. and others", title = "{HARM3D+NUC: A New Method for Simulating the Post-merger Phase of Binary Neutron Star Mergers with GRMHD, Tabulated EOS, and Neutrino Leakage}", eprint = "2106.05356", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "astro-ph.HE", doi = "10.3847/1538-4357/ac1119", journal = "Astrophys. J.", volume = "919", number = "2", pages = "95", year = "2021" }